

Trevor Hicks is a Canadian-born composer and church musician based in Toronto, Canada. As an instrumentalist, he is well regarded as an organist, vocalist and pianist. He is the founder of Trevor Hicks Compositions, formed in January 2020. His entirely self-produced debut record, Soul of a Patriot, was released in December 2021. His sophomore record entitled For All God's People was released June 2024.

Trevor Hicks Compositions
  • "When I wasn't talking, I was singing..."

    Trevor's musical journey began with singing. "When I wasn't talking, I was singing." His love of singing was a steadfast interest throughout his life and in his latter teenaged years, he pursued professional vocal training. His training developed his one-of-a-kind voice, which has earned him rave reviews. Trevor does not like to classify his voice into a traditional category of vocal ranges. "Pigeonholes are only comfortable for pigeons," he will reply, borrowing a quote from famed American soprano Jessye Norman.

  • "That's when I heard God calling..."

    At the age of seven, Trevor's family began to attend the Lutheran Church. He was particularly mesmerized at the large instrument in the rear balcony. He recalls: "I wasn't all that interested in what was happening at the front of the church. I spent most of my time looking up at the organist at the organ console." After staring piano lessons a few years later, Trevor felt called to play in church: "I didn't really dream of playing in big concert houses all over the world. To play in God's house in my own neighbourhood was more than sufficient for me. That's when I heard God calling me to be a church musician."

  • Training

    In senior kindergarten, Trevor's teacher remarked on his report card that he would imitate the songs that his class would sing on the classroom piano. When he was gifted an electronic keyboard, he showed interest in playing it and received lessons. Soon thereafter, his teacher suggested that he move to the piano. At the age of thirteen, he was afforded the opportunity to try the organ in his church, and with the mentorship of the organist at his childhood church and through his own instruction, he slowly mastered the organ, eventually accompanying full liturgies with reverence and ease.

  • Soli Deo Gloria

    Throughout his more than twenty years as a church musician, Trevor has wanted not only to lead God's people in worship, but to add to the repertoire they sing. In January 2020, he founded Trevor Hicks Compositions as an outlet for his music. A few months later, Trevor used his music ministry to assist God's people in navigating the devastating pandemic. "Peace Be With You," a piece he composed to replace the traditional sharing of the peace that covid restrictions prohibited, remains one of his most well-loved and sought after compositions.